Quora: A marketing game changer

Quora is a hub of knowledge having 300 million unique monthly visitors. You can say it’s a virtual book. You can ask questions here and you will get your answer as well as different opinion for your questions. You can tag the right people for the particular question to get the right answer, and this is the beauty of Quora. The heaven for content marketing.
Download the Quora Android & IOS app.
Quora is a high authority website having 93 domain authority. That’s why the search engine like Google index the questions very quickly to the search result page. Tag other people to your question so that you will get your answer in 24 hours. If you have a special interest in a specific topic, you can follow that topic too. Quora is not a social media platform. If someone looking for something or someone has a question on his mind, then he/she exploring Quora. Maybe your prospective customer asking his doubts about the product you sell. So it’s a game changer.
Contact us for your advertisement needs on Quora as well as social media management and digital marketing.